Department of Psychology

The Department of Psychology was founded in 2021 to equip the student with the knowledge and skills to apply psychology in various areas of personal and professional life. The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the scientific discipline of psychology, with a focus on practical application. The Department has a well-equipped laboratory that enables the student to learn about experimental psychology and various testing methods, including computerized testing. As part of the curriculum, the student has the opportunity to complete internship programmes. Regular seminars and presentations are organized to help students widen their understanding of the subject. The library houses quality books from reputed authors and publishers in Psychology which are a source of great enrichment of knowledge for students. The Department has a diverse student population from different parts of the country.The primary goal of the Department is to promote excellence in both teaching and research.

Programmes Offered
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology
  • MSc in Applied Psychology
  • MSc in Clinical Psychology
  • PhD

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Faculty Profile

 Dr. Chelli Kavya  
 Assistant Professor
 Dr. Rohini Shivananda  
  Adjunct Faculty
 Shema Abraham  
 Dr. Ragini Gupta  