Publications : |
- Padhy, M., Chelli, K., & Padiri, R. A. (2015). Optimism and psychological well-being of police officers with different work experiences. SAGE Open, 1-7. DOI: 10.1177/2158244015580852
- Padhy, M., Valli, S. K., Pienyu, R., Padiri, R. A., &Chelli, K. (2015). Leisure motivation and well-being among adolescents and young adults. Psychological Studies, 60(3), 314-320. DOI 10.1007/s12646-015-0327-5
- Padhy, M., Lalnuntluangi, R., Chelli, K., & Padiri, R. A. (2016). Social support and adherence among hypertensive patients. Amity Journal of Healthcare Management, 1(1), 33-40. (ISSN: print-2455-9768, online-2456-1576).
- Padhy, M., Krishnakumar, N., Chelli, K., & Lalnuntluangi, R. (2017). Self-efficacy and health locus of control in primary hypertensive patients. Recent Advances in Psychology: An International Journal, 4(1), 18-29. (ISSN: 2395-5465).
- Lalnuntluangi, R., Chelli, K., & Padhy, M.(2017). Self-efficacy, outcome expectancy and self-management of type 2 diabetes patients. Indian Journal of Health & Well-being, 8(9), 1040-1043. (ISSN: p-2229-5356, e-2321-3698)
- Padhy, M., Lalnuntluangi, R., Chelli, K., Hariharan, M., & Raghavendra Rao, C. (2018). Conceptual complexity in children's understanding of diabetes. Indian Journal of Health & Well-being, 9(3), 392-396. (ISSN: p-2229-5356, e-2321-3698).
- Padhy, M., Padiri, R., &Chelli, K. (2020). Leisure Behavior Among Adolescents. The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Development.
- Padhy, M., Monteiro, S.R. &Chelli, K. Coping Competence, Mindfulness, and Well-being of Indian Adolescents. Psychol Stud 65, 531–535 (2020).
- Padhy, M., Hariharan, M., Monteiro, S. R., Kavya, C., & Angiel, P. R. (2022). The Psycho-Social Support Scale (Psychoss-22): Development and Validation. The Indian Journal of Social Work, 83(1), 95-114.
- Vanlalhruaii, C. &Kavya, C. (2021). Covid-19 the Second Wave. In Swarna Lata, Verma, S. & Joshi, S. (Eds.), COVID-19 in India. Problem, Challenges and Strategies. Global Vision Publishing House.