The National Service Scheme (NSS) of the Central University of Andhra Pradesh is an active body with 200 active volunteers. The NSS units at CUAP embody a commitment to fostering essential qualities among students that extend far beyond academic achievement. Rooted in principles like character, courage, and comradeship, the NSS program aims to cultivate responsible citizenship and personal growth. With its continuous activities, the NSS units play a crucial role in developing various qualities among young students.

Through community service and social initiatives, students engage in meaningful experiences that enrich their understanding of selfless service and sportsmanship. At the heart of the NSS unit is a spirit of adventure and a dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared to contribute positively to society. Our university takes pride in providing a platform for students to develop these attributes under the guidance of committed mentors who ensure alignment with the program's objectives. As part of the activities, students get to organise various awareness campaigns and community outreach programmes thereby expanding their knowledge horizons.

NSS units of CUAP represent the institution's holistic approach, one that prioritizes character-building, leadership development, and community involvement. Through the NSS, we empower students to embrace their roles as active, conscientious members of their communities, embodying the values essential for a fulfilling and impactful life beyond academics.

NSS Coordinator

Dr Garikipati Gurajada


NSS Programme Officer Unit -I

Dr VSS Shreya


NSS Programme Officer

Dr Dipankar Dey
