Prof. S A Kori, M.Tech., Ph.D ( IIT KGP ), FIE
Prof. S.A. Kori exemplifies the maxim “The future depends on what you do today.” His MTech from REC, Surathkal, and PhD from IIT, Kharagpur, laid a strong foundation for a successful teaching career. And, sin7ce joining service he has succeeded in shaping his identity as a teacher and researcher and also as an academic administrator; and his motto is to “Teach, Inspire, Lead, Motivate, Encourage.” As a teacher, Prof. Kori gave equal importance to teaching and research. The highly successful careers of his students bear testimony to his success as a teacher. His research activities include not just guiding PhD students but also undertaking research projects relevant to modern society. Prof. Kori has so far guided 14 PhDs, 1 submitted the thesis and five more are nearing completion. He was one of the 14 scientists selected by UGC to visit Hungary under the IndoHungarian Faculty Exchange Programme for the year 2005-06. Again, he was selected for the Indo-Hungarian Inter-Governmental S&T Cooperation Programme for the years 2007-08and 2008-09 by the Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, and Govt. of Hungary. During the two-year programme he executed joint research work at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Prof. Kori has so far undertaken and completed 18 sponsored research projects from DRDO, CSIR, DST, BRFST, AICTE, UGC, ARDB and DNRD. One of the hallmarks of the profession of teaching is the ability of its members to publish articles. The more than 110 research papers published and about 70 presented at national and international seminars and conferences -- three of which won the Best Oral Presentation Award -- attest to his thirst for knowledge and his strong belief in research as an integral and important part of the profession of teaching. The modern trend in education focuses on three aspects: teaching, research and extension and outreach activities. The numerous academic programmes organized, the projects undertaken, and the invited lectures delivered prove Prof. Kori to be a committed teacher in every respect. What distinguishes Prof. Kori from other academicians is his ability to put into practice his principles and his views on social responsibilities. Another great quality in him is his ability to adapt to any situation; he takes an assignment as a challenge, not a burden. The various responsibilities he happily undertook testify to his self-confidence and his readiness to accept any challenge, whether academic or administrative. Prof. Kori brought laurels to in just a little more than three decades are Professor, Basaveshwar Engineering College, Bagalkot; Special Officer, Registrar (Evaluation) and Registrar, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum; Executive Director and Member Secretary, Karnataka State Higher Education Council, Government of Karnataka. As Registrar of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Prof. Kori introduced many reforms in research and development activities, such as setting up of research resource centers and creation of centralized research facilities. He also initiated the setting up of a teacher training academy. Government of Karnataka recognized his administrative acumen and appointed him Executive Director and Member Secretary, Karnataka State Higher Education Council. This elevation gave Prof. Kori a great opportunity to serve the cause of higher education in the state of Karnataka. He successfully introduced many reforms in governance, examination process, online affiliation and EMIS, which were warmly welcomed by all the stakeholders. With his rectitude, institutional commitment, accountability and diligence, he made KHEC a unique institution in the country. As Chairman of the Technical Support Group of RUSA, Prof. Kori played a pivotal role in the successful implementation of the RUSA project in Karnataka. In recognition of his services to higher education, especially to technical education, The Indian Society for Technical Education, New Delhi, honoured him with the National Best Administrator Award, “instituted to appreciate the outstanding leadership qualities of an Administrator in institutional development and enhancing the standards of technical education,” in 2016. Both a thinker and a doer, Prof. Kori is committed to improving the quality of higher education. His trips to sixteen countries, both oriental and occidental, helped him strengthen his belief in a holistic and integrated approach to education, which is based on Aristotle’s dictum “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” AND, appointment as Vice Chancellor of the Central University of Andhra Pradesh is the crowning glory of Prof. S.A. Kori. Prof. Kori never confines his contributions to the institution he serves; as an active member of many decision-making academic and professional bodies and selection committees all over the country, his championing the cause of higher education and, through it, his contribution to nation building are indeed exemplary. The following line from Kathaasaritsaagaram sums up Prof. Kori’s personality: अप्राप्यंनाम नेहास्ति धीरस्य व्यवसायिनः (Aprāpyaṃ nāma nehāsti dhīrasya vyavasāyinaḥ) [There is nothing unattainable to the one who has courage and who works hard] |